Monday 6 June 2011


Rose is a selfish bitch! I arrive at the airport looking like I’m flying to Stewart Island on a tramping holiday. My best friend, Roy, is there to say goodbye. He bursts into tears and clings to me until my badly dressed mother drags me to the Check-In. Roy screams at her for taking me to the other side of the world. He does a perfect imitation of my mother as Joan Crawford because he thinks my life is hell and that sends my mother into spasms. I tell her to chill out but by now she’s throwing back more HRT tablets because stress brings on her sweats and violence. Security sees Roy lying on the ground and my mother popping pills and comes to investigate.My mother demands they arrest Roy. The last I see of my best friend he's being dragged to the bus stop by a nazi with nasal hair, sandals and bobby sox. I hate my mother.

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About Me

London, United Kingdom
Writer, Coach and Presentations Trainer, Actress, Director